Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

5 Corporate governance Compensation of the management and governing bodies SAINT-GOBAIN UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2021 182 Compensation components paid to Directors during the 2021 fiscal year 2.1.2 or granted in respect of the same fiscal year, subject to the approval of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of June 2, 2022 (Say on Pay ex post) In accordance with Articles L.22-10-34 I and L.22-10-9 I of the French Commercial Code, the fixed, variable and exceptional components of the total compensation and benefits of any kind paid during the year or granted for the same fiscal year to corporate officers are submitted every year for the approval of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting. This vote is binding (as opposed to an advisory vote). The table below shows the individual compensation received by the members of the Board of Directors (fixed and variable components combined) for their mandate as Directors in respect of fiscal years 2020 and 2021 pursuant to the Compensation policy outlined in Section 2.1.1 above. Table 3 – Summary of each non-executive corporate officer' compensation (AMF nomenclature) Non-Executive corporate officers Gross amounts received(in EUR) for 2021 fiscal year for 2020 fiscal year (9) Jean-François Cirelli (1) 79,934 37,872 Lydie Cortes (2) 88,538 79,967 Sibylle Daunis-Opfermann (3) 73,878 57,794 Lina Ghotmeh (4) 6,907 - Iêda Gomes Yell 85,560 79,967 Anne-Marie Idrac 105,948 87,963 Pamela Knapp 90,127 80,235 Agnès Lemarchand 95,526 82,990 Frédéric Lemoine (5) - 36,579 Dominique Leroy 84,072 76,933 Jacques Pestre (6) - 7,289 Denis Ranque (7) 81,359 76,933 Gilles Schnepp 88,538 80,235 Jean-Dominique Senard 85,560 81,565 Philippe Thibaudet (2) 88,538 73,508 Philippe Varin (8) 45,515 79,773 TOTAL 1,100,00 1,019,604 Director as of June 4, 2020. (1) It should be noted that, at the time they took up their positions and for the entire duration of their terms as Employee Directors, Mrs. Lydie Cortes (2) and Mr. Philippe Thibaudet each decided to donate to the trade unions with which they are each affiliated, i.e. the Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (for Mrs. Lydie Cortes) and the Confédération Générale du Travail (for Mr. Philippe Thibaudet), respectively, all compensation (net of social charges) paid by the Company for their terms as Directors. The net amount of this compensation is consequently paid directly by Compagnie de Saint-Gobain to these trade unions. Director representing employee shareholders as from March 26, 2020, when she was co-opted by the Board of Directors to replace Mr. Jacques (3) Pestre, who retired on March 9, 2020. Director as from November 25, 2021, date of her co-option by the Board of Directors to replace Mr. Denis Ranque, who resigned. (4) Director until June 4, 2020. (5) Director representing employee shareholders until March 9, 2020. (6) Director until November 25, 2021. (7) Director until June 3, 2021. (8) The gross amounts received for 2020 by the Directors take into account the reduction of 25% in the amount of their compensation due (9) for as long as the Group’s employees were, in 2020, subject to partial employment in the context of the emergency measures taken by the French Government to halt the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. With the exception of the Employee Directors and the Director representing employee shareholders, who received compensation for their salaried positions, the non-Executive Directors received no other compensation from the Company or any Saint-Gobain subsidiary for their mandates in respect of the 2020 and 2021 fiscal years.